Saturday 26 February 2011


Sarah, a waitress
Lauren, a waitress
Sarah’s father


In a restaurant. Outside it is dark. Lauren is near the kitchen door. Sarah comes through it to join her

SARAH Hi Lauren, Sorry I’m late – I had some work to finish so I came straight from college and then the bus was late. Has Mike said anything about me not being in?

LAUREN No, you’re OK. I don’t think he’s missed you. He’s too busy fussing round that new girl in the kitchen. I think he fancies his chances. Anyway, you’re only ten minutes late. Chill.

SARAH Is it busy?

LAUREN Not really, not for a Friday night. I think everybody went out for Valentine’s instead. It was manic– every table booked up all night and a great queue of people waiting. They were going spare in the kitchen. You can just imagine what Bernie was like. Thinks he’s Gordon Ramsey.

SARAH I‘m glad I wasn’t around. I bet you were rushed off your feet. I hate it when it’s that busy. The kitchen always get things mixed up and then it’s us that have to sort it out with the customers. Some people can be so rude.

LAUREN It’s always busy Valentine’s. I’d have thought Mike would have had you in as well for an extra shift.

SARAH No chance. He’d have had to pay me the extra. He’s so tight you’d think it was his own money. Anyway, I couldn’t have come in. Life is complicated enough getting here as it is, with a Dad like mine.

LAUREN No change then?

SARAH Afraid not. He still treats me like I’m about twelve. Thinks I should be in all the time doing my homework.

LAUREN I don’t know how you stand it

SARAH Not a lot of choice really. He’d kill me if he found out I’ve got a job, and my Mum’s no different. She just goes along with whatever he says.

LAUREN I’m glad my Mum’s not like that. She even got me this job. She used to be at school with Mike’s sister. How do they expect you to manage without your wages?

SARAH Who knows? It’s just as well you put in a good word for me with Mike and got me taken on here or I’d be really short of money. Oh well, it looks like table seven is ready to order.

LAUREN And the couple near the window on table one should have finished their coffees by now. Can you just do me a favour and see if they are ready when you go past? I need to bring out the starters for four and check if the mains are ready for eight.

Both go to tables. Sarah takes order then goes to kitchen, walking behind window table. The couple at the table are looking out of the window and do not appear to see her. There is a reflection in the glass. Lauren returns

SARAH Oh my God, Lauren, I’m really sorry. I couldn’t clear table one. You’ll never believe it, but it’s my Mum and Dad. Can you do it and I’ll do your tables at the back and hope they don’t see me?

LAUREN You’re joking! Yeah, don’t worry. Just keep out of the way and they probably won’t notice you in this dim light. They’ll most likely be going soon in any case; they came in early.

Lauren goes to window table

LAUREN Anything else, sir?

FATHER No thank you. That was excellent. Just the bill, please.

Lauren goes and returns with bill

Father reads it and pays with large pile of notes

LAUREN Thank you sir, but excuse me, it isn’t that much. The lighting is so dim in here it is difficult to see, I know.

FATHER No, there’s no mistake. The rest is a tip.

LAUREN That’s extremely generous of you sir, but that’s way more than people usually tip. It’s as much as the meal cost. I couldn’t possibly take that much.

FATHER Oh yes you could. You are to share it between yourself and your colleague over there. I know you’re a good friend to her. Tell her that this customer has realised how hard she has been working, and that the pair of you deserve every penny of it. You can’t keep many secrets in a town this size, you know.

Winks, waves across to Sarah, rises, collects coats and leaves with mother, both smiling. Sarah and Lauren, open mouthed, watch them go. Ends with a clatter as Sarah loses her grip on her empty tray and drops it.

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