Saturday 26 February 2011

An Astonishing Adventure at Aunt Annie’s

Arthur, an amateur actor, and Agnes, an aspiring accountant, arrived at Acacia Avenue and ascended to Aunt Annie’s abode, an azalea adorned apartment above an alley. Aunt Annie’s amiable Australian acquaintance, Albert, an apothecary, had already arrived, accompanying an agile and active, albeit aggressive animal, an Alsatian. All appeared attractively attired, Agnes, azure-eyed and alluring as always, Aunt Annie adorned as appropriately as ancient age and an artificial arm allowed, Arthur artistic and aristocratic, and Albert, an antipodean Adonis.

All ate asparagus and artichokes as appetisers, an ample anchovy and aubergine omelette accompanying an acceptably acid amontillado, and, as afters, assorted apples, almonds and apricots. Afterwards, appetites assuaged and abdomens aching, an animated argument arose. After all attempts at avoiding an altercation, Arthur, annoyed, announced abrasively that all Anzacs are arrogant avaricious adventurers. Albert aggravated the abuse, accusing Arthur’s aggression as an absurd Anglo-Saxon attitude against aliens. Agnes, antagonised, answered assertively. Atrocious after-dinner manners and awful anger abounded as adversaries attacked.

Then an awful accident arose, astounding all assembled. An alien apparition approached, an Albino Anaconda, as anaemic as alabaster, absconded from an animal asylum, appeared above Annie’s artificial aspidistra and attacked Albert’s Alsatian. Annie administered aqua-vitae and Agnes aspirin, adrenalin and antihistamines. Alas, all attempts to ameliorate advancing anaphylaxis achieved nought. All anger allayed, Albert attended aghast as an ailing Alsatian angel accessed the animal afterlife.

To atone for anger and attempt to make amends, Arthur, Agnes and Albert apologised abjectly to Aunt Annie. Asserting age’s authority, Aunt Annie affirmed agreement and accepted all apologies.

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